Mycelium of SUMMER TRUFFLE Tuber aestivum

Andrew Fixhold
3 min readSep 29, 2021


Selected biological mycelium


Tuber aestivum

The summer truffle is one of the few species found in our country. Natural sites are found in southern Poland, and for several years successfully breeding attempts have been made by establishing experimental cultivation of this species.

It is a mycorrhizal fungus that produces underground tuberous fruiting bodies. Most often it occurs in deciduous forests, under oaks or beeches, on calcareous soils. In our climatic conditions, it produces fruiting bodies from August to December.

Summer truffle is an exceptionally tasty edible mushroom, it is described as one of the most valuable species.

Truffles are highly appreciated all over the world. They reach high prices, even several thousand euros per kilogram.

Truffles are underground mushrooms. Producing fruiting bodies underground has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that they are not so exposed to the weather, parasites, and their destruction by animals. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for spores to disperse and it is difficult for pickers to find the fruiting bodies.

Breeding Tips

Apply the mycelium from April to October. Young trees (oak, beech, hazel, hornbeam) should grow at the site of mycelium application. Preferably the trees are relatively young. Garden soil with an alkaline pH of 7.5–8 pH should be used as a substrate. Truffle prefers calcareous, permeable, low acidity, and well-aerated soils.

Cultivation and care

1. Dig 3 holes around the trunk of the tree, 30–40 cm in diameter and 20 cm deep.

2. Fill the holes halfway with the prepared substrate, then place the mycelium in the proportion of 1/3 of the package for each hole. Cover with soil to the ground level and firmly compact.

3. Thoroughly water the application site, 1 bucket of water around each well.

4. Cover with a layer of leaves, needles, moss, twigs etc. from the forest.

5. In summer, especially in the absence of rainfall, it is recommended to moisten the soil periodically.


Under favorable conditions, the first fruiting occurs 6–8 years after planting the mycelium. After mycorrhiza is established, the mycelium may bear fruit for up to 20–30 years.


In one year, we can collect several mushrooms under one tree.


Powdered, selected biological mycelium 10g. Probability of yielding 85% — 87%


We will send the Summer Truffle Mycelium in replacement packaging together with the application instructions.

The amateur cultivation of mycorrhizal forest mushrooms (Mycorrhiza — the phenomenon of coexistence of fungi with tree roots) does not guarantee the result, because mushroom yield is strongly dependent on the weather and many other factors. For their cultivation, create conditions that are closest to the natural ones and apply the mycelium according to the instructions. With the appropriate climatic conditions, we can count on good results in a relatively short time.

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